Blog 21/001 PLANNING - How long does planning permission take?
The quick answer, usually 8 weeks
For a simple residential extension the general time it takes to receive a decision from the planning department is 8 weeks after they have received and validated an application, with the current overload of applications on local authorities due to Coronavirus and the huge increase in householders carrying out alterations to their homes this may be slightly longer.
We would generally advise you to allow 11 weeks in your diary as a safe window of time, but in any case we will always follow up and chase the planning department for regular updates, especially if they are over that 8 week period.
For more complex sites, including commercial, listed buildings or areas of natural beauty, things may take a little longer, if this is your situation or you are unsure if it is, contact us and we will be happy to advise you.
Top tip for homeowners -
If your home qualifies by meeting a brief checklist of criteria, then you may benefit from permitted development rights that allow you to build without the constraints of planning permission. For more details and to see if your property qualifies please contact us to get advice.
The fine detail, how Planning Officers Assess Planning Applications
Applications are assessed in two parts, externally and internally. Both parts of the planning permission process take up to 4 weeks each, beginning with the external discussion. The external discussion allows your application to be seen by individuals or companies, such as your neighbours and utility companies. They can add comments and either approve or complain about your application, which may or may not be taken into account by the planning officer.
The second part, is where your application is viewed internally by a planning officer. The officer will research the area and how the development will fit in, alongside the external comments. They will also have meetings with other planning officers for additional comments on the project. The planning officer will then go over the application again with the research and comments to make a decision on the application.
The decision will be either allowed or refused. If your application is allowed, then all is well!
If your application is refused, and you do not agree with the reasons for refusal, you can submit an appeal. An appeal is sent to the Planning Inspectorate and will take up to 13 weeks to reach a final decision. A planning inspectorate is separate to the planning authority and will check your application thoroughly to decide if the planning officer’s decision is reasonable or unreasonable.